Agnes – rescue puppy in autumn

September saw us get a bit of an early start to fall on the prairies.  Although we were sad to see the end of summer, it did make for some colourful photos in Agnes’ project.  She also managed to shake on a deal, imitate a grey seal, and show just how wide she can open her mouth.

Shake on it

Agnes and Daniel were involved in making some sort of deal.  The deal likely involved negotiating for some form of food product.

Daniel: Agnes, hold my hand.
Agnes: Why?
Daniel: Well, I like holding hands with you.
Agnes: So do I, but I prefer it when we are shaking paw. Makes me feel like we’re striking a deal.
Daniel: What type of deal do you want to strike?
Agnes: Something about salami.
Daniel: Sounds good. I love salami. So why don’t you go in the kitchen, get the salami and bring it out to me.
Agnes: Then we’ll share it!
Daniel: Nope. It gives you the toots. I’ll have to eat it myself.
Agnes: Then how about a deal regarding bed space?
Daniel: Like how you get 75% of the available space on any bed that I happen to be on?
Agnes: Yup. Now that sounds like a good deal!
Daniel: It already happens.
Agnes: Oh, that is true.
Daniel: How about we just make a deal where we love each other and care for each other forever?
Agnes: Haven’t we already done that?
Daniel: Yup. But sometimes it’s nice to say it more that once.

Falling in Love

Fall came early at the cabin with this shot only one week into September.  This photo was taken on a walk with Aggie. Aggie has changed so much this year, she wasn’t even at all concerned about not taking Eva or Bruno on the walk. She was also completely unconcerned about going on a new pathway. And she walked like a lady with Julia, skipping her usual panicked poops or crazy random direction changes. It’s so nice to see.

Agnes: Julia, I think I just figured something out.
Julia: What’s that Aggie?
Agnes: I don’t trust many people, but I do trust you.
Julia: That’s mighty nice of you to say.
Agnes: Yup. It is. And do you want to know why I trust you?
Julia: Because I was one of the humans that picked you for adoption and I’ve been nothing but nice, kind, and loving to you every since.
Agnes: All of that. Plus I just noticed that you have a tail.
Julia: Sweetie, us humans don’t have tails.
Agnes: I thought it was weird too, but today you’re rocking a tail.
Julia: Oh, that’s not a real tail. It’s just a piece of fabric sewn onto my bunny hug.
Agnes: What? You have a bunny? And we get to hug it?
Julia: Um, that’s not what I meant…
Agnes: I love bunnies! I’ve always wanted to meet one and hug them. I especially love them when we’re walking in the park. Can I hug your bunny?
Julia: Dude, it’s not a real bunny. Bunny hug is a term for hooded sweatshirt in Saskatchewan.
Agnes: Oh.
Julia: It’s weird but true. This one is extra special because it has a dog on the front, ears on the hood and a tail on the butt.
Agnes: That’s Okay. If I can’t hug a bunny, can you give me a big hug instead?

Through the Leaves

A portrait of Aggie through the fall leaves. This photo again pushed Agnes and her limits. There are some nice low bushes in the park by the tennis courts, so we went there with a small bag of Cheerios and me full of optimism. The first trip was not successful because after two minutes people showed up to play tennis, bringing of all things tubes of tennis balls. While tennis balls are great, the tubes make weird clanking sounds which freaked her out so we left. Came home and checked the photos, with nothing of use. So we returned about ten minutes later to try again on the other side of the courts. This time there was thunder, but no rain. She was a little hesitant, but did well. There was a fair amount of negotiation as she preferred to be beside me instead of on the other side of a bush, but in the end I did get this one shooting through the a corner of the bush with my least used lens.

The uncertainty in her eyes is a big piece of who she is, so this is actually a pretty fitting part of her project. Gently pushing her comfort zone has made he more confident and willing to do things. It’s been a big change, especially when thinking back to week one when she would not do photos in a room without Bruno beside her no matter how many cookies were offered.

The Grey Seal

It was time to change the bedding this morning. The rest of the photo pretty much composed and wrote itself.

Agnes: Hey Dave, guess what I’m doing!
Dave: Being super cute?
Agnes: Always am. But more specifically I’m working on a halloween costume.
Dave: Good to know. Are you going as spoiled dog who spends lots of time in bed?
Agnes: Nope. Too close to reality. Try again.
Dave: A dementor from Harry potter who accidentally put bleach in the washing machine?
Agnes: Nope. Too dark. Try again.
Dave: The eye of a hurricane?
Agnes: Nope. Too wet. Try again.
Dave: Jabba the mutt?
Agnes: Nope. But man, if you’ve got a green blanket we could go with that next year. Try again.
Dave: I think that’s all I’ve got.
Agnes: Dude, it’s so simple. I’m a grey seal!
Dave: Really?
Agnes: Yup. Saw a trained one on discovery channel. Now, when I bark, feel free to throw some anchovies in my mouth!

Wide Open Spaces

In this shot Agnes is showing just how wide she can open her jaw. Although that is impressive enough in itself, it also made for a fun dogversation.

Agnes: Hey Dave, do you want to make a bet?
Dave: Maybe. What is the bet?
Agnes: I bet you that I could fit a whole apple in my mouth.
Dave: Red Delicious, Granny Smith, or Mcintosh?
Agnes: Any of them?
Dave: With lips fully closed around the apple?
Agnes: Nope. Lips open, held in the teeth.
Dave: And what happens if you’re right?
Agnes: SImple. I get to eat the apple.
Dave: No thanks. I’m not making that bet.
Agnes: Why not? Seems like a good bet to me.
Dave: I’ve seen you carry around tennis balls with room to spare, so I’m sure the apple wouldn’t be a problem.
Agnes: I know. That’s why it would be such a good bet.
Dave: Well, people typically only bet on something where there is a degree of uncertainty regarding the outcome.
Agnes: Well then, why don’t we bet if you can fit a whole apple in your mouth? I’ve never seen you hold a tennis ball in your mouth so the outcome is more uncertain.
Dave: And what happens if I do?
Agnes: Well, it’s a win-win situation. You get the pride of having accomplished something you didn’t know that you could do. And I get to eat the apple.
Dave: And if I don’t fit it in my mouth?
Agnes: Oh, then I get to eat the apple. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to put a slobbery apple with teeth marks on it back in the bowl.