Agnes the rescue puppy – May 2018

May was another good month for Agnes the rescue puppy.  From sharing peanut butter at home to three fun weekends at the cabin.  She is living the life.

The Peanut Butter Collider

The end of the peanut butter jar. Usually a problem when you have three dogs, unless you upgrade to the ridiculously large Costco jar.

Dave: Hey guys, how many dogs does it take to clean out a peanut butter container?
Agnes: One.
Eva: One.
Bruno: Lick, lick, slurp.
Dave: If it only takes one dog, then why are all three of you trying to shove your heads in?
Eva: Because I want to be the one.
Agnes: Me too.
Bruno: Lick, lick, slurp.
Dave: Fair enough.
Eva: Nope. Not quite fair. You see Bruno has a giant snout so he’s hogging the jar.
Bruno: Lick, lick. What you see as unfair … lick, lick … I see as an advantage… slurp.
Agnes: I don’t see the difference between the two.
Bruno: Lick, lick … The difference is all in your point of view … Slurp, slurp …And my point of view is pretty good and peanut-buttery now … lick, lick.

Life of the Cabin

All of the things in the the following dogversation truly did happen before 8:45 am. In this shot she was passed out half on my chest. My daughter brought me my camera so I could get this photo before she started running around again.

Dave: Agnes, why are you asleep?
Agnes: Oh. Because I’m tired. Frankly exhausted.
Dave: But it’s only 8:45 in the morning.
Agnes: I don’t believe you. It feels like I’ve been up for hours.
Dave: Um… that’s because you have.
Agnes: Really? That seems improbable if it’s only 8:45 am.
Dave: Dude, you’ve been up since 4:30 am. Looking out the windows, running around the bedroom, picking fights with Bruno and intermittently jumping on my chest.
Agnes: Oh. In my defence it’s really exciting to be at the lake and the sun was getting up so I thought I should get up too.
Dave: Then so you wouldn’t wake Karen on Mother’s Day I took you and the other dogs on a car ride with Daniel to buy cinnamon buns. We saw a deer. You freaked out a bit.
Agnes: Yup. That deer was a bit freaky.
Dave: And then you came back, ran around the deck looking for an imaginary squirrel and were a big part of the party with the kids waking Karen up to wish her Happy Mother’s day.
Agnes: You’re right. It has been a full day. Time for a well deserved rest. Can you finish wishing Karen Happy Mother’s day for me? I gotta catch a few zzz’s before the ducks show up and start swimming around the lake like they own it.

A Little Break in the Action

The end of the day at the cabin is a little less lively than the start of the day. She was alright, just a little exhausted.

Dave: Agnes, do you want to play ball?
Agnes: Oh yes, definitely.
Dave: Alright then. Can you get me the ball?
Agnes: Nope.
Dave: But I thought you said that you wanted to play.
Agnes: I do, but I’m just a little exhausted right now. I need a couple of minutes.
Dave: Oh. Is this because you were so excited to be at the cabin that you woke up at 4:30 in the morning again?
Agnes: Nope. Last weekend you made me promise not to get up at 4:30 again. And I occasionally am a dog of my word.
Dave: Then I don’t get why you are too exhausted to play ball.
Agnes: I woke up at 5. There were ducks on the lake and they needed to be reminded that it’s not their lake. Then I found my ball and ran around with it. Then a squirrel needed a good talking to. So, it’s been a busy day, but if you come back in ten I’m sure we can play ball again then.

Pick Me!

Agnes was so excited that she just couldn’t hide it. When we arrive at the cabin we lock the dogs on the deck so we can unpack the car without difficulty. This is what was happening while we were unpacking.  I usually aim for a little more artistic quality in my 52 week projects, but I think this one is more about the moment than the artistry.

When I posted this on Flickr, my favorite comment received was “She’s like donkey in Shrek”.  Sometimes she truly is.

Agnes: Oh! Oh! Pick Me! Pick Me!
Dave: What am I picking you for?
Agnes: To answer the next question!
Dave: But I didn’t know I had a question to ask.
Agnes: Okay. I’ll give you the question to ask. Who likes lake life the best?
Dave: Um….
Agnes: It’s me! It’s me! Okay, next question… Who’s excited to be at the lake?
Dave: Um…
Agnes: Also me! Totally me! Next Question … Who likes the lake so much that last Sunday she hid so she wouldn’t get into the car with the rest of you when it was time to leave?
Dave: Well, that’s a pretty specific question …
Agnes: Also me! Totally me! Okay, next question… Who’s so excited that she’s going to be getting up at 4:30 am?
Dave: Hopefully no one.
Agnes: Nope. Wrong. It’s me! Totally me!