Much of the summer months in Bruno’s project appear to have happened at Emma lake. It was a good summer. Lets just say that when someone tells him to “go jump in a lake”, he takes them very literally.
Some People Just Look Good in Hats
His first July photo “some people just look good in hats” was playing with the adage that certain people always look good in hats. Although he may technically not be people, he is clearly unaware of that. He loves wearing a hat, likely because he is rewarded with praise and attention whenever one is put on his melon. One hat from each of our family members here.
Go Jump in a Lake
“go jump in a lake” is one of my favorites to date. Although some people may tell others to “go jump in a lake” as an insult, Bruno always takes it as an open invitation. Taken lying on the dock with my wide angle lens to emphasize the distance this guy achieves during a good flight. I was fortunate when catching this that my body did not become part of his run-way when preparing for take-off.
The Launch Pad
Bruno’s final July photo “the launch pad” came from the same photo session as “go jump in a lake”. Here I went a bit lower, and caught different view of the take-off sequence he goes through for his jumps. And it happens to be one of the few where he actually used the carpet I attached to the dock to help him get a proper grip.
Dave: Hey Bruno, what’s the plan?
Bruno: Orbit. I’m aiming for a low earth orbit this time.
Dave: Really? I didn’t think you know enough about orbital physics to successfully hit a low earth orbit.
Bruno: Don’t need to know physics.
Dave: Then, what’s the plan?
Bruno: When in doubt – just add more thrust.
Ten Feet Tall
August started with another dock jumping photo. Photo title “ten feet tall” courtesy of my son. In an attempt to get something different I went with the wise angle GoPro below the dock. I love the height he is getting here.
Dave: Bruno, where are you going?
Bruno: Upwards.
Dave: Then after that?
Bruno: Downwards.
Dave: Then after that?
Bruno: We’ll do it all again.
His last photo of August “swell” was also from the lake. Bruno doing what he loves, this time with a duck butt toy in his mouth. I added a little pastel tone to go with the soft feeling of this photo.