Last November was a fun month with Agnes. Her comfort in front of the camera and modeling skills continued to grow. She is now a total pro.
Through the Reeds
This photo of her through some reeds by the pond close to our house. The winter freeze was early so we were able to safely be on the ice for this photo. I love how she is at full attention keeping an eye on everything during these walks and photo sessions.

The New Bridge
“The new bridge” photo was from a solo adventure that I took Agnes on. She was a little less impressed with the structure than I was. And by the way, she did awesome. She even let me take three photos before the bumpy sounds got the better of her and we had to leave. Good thing that one of the three photos turned out well. This is the furthest that Agnes and I have gone for a solo photo this project, so I’m pretty pleased with how everything went.
Dave: So Agnes, what do you think of the new traffic bridge?
Agnes: I think this whole idea is stupid.
Dave: The idea of building a new bridge nearly identical to the one that the city detonated two years ago?
Agnes: Nope. I’m not against urban renewal.
Dave: Then what’s the issue?
Agnes: The fact that we’re here at all. We left the nice warm house without Bruno and now we’re on a bridge over the river on a cold windy winter day. And to top it off this bridge makes a bumpy sound when cars drive on it.
Dave: I’m sorry. You’ve been doing so well on solo walks lately that I thought we should push your comfort zone a bit more.
Agnes: I have been pretty brave. But I do have a request.
Dave: What’s that?
Agnes: Next time you feel a need to push my comfort zone, can you do it with back bacon?
Dave: Back bacon?
Agnes: Yup, good old fashioned Canadian peameal bacon. I’ve never had it before, so I bet that would be a delightful way to push my limits by trying something new.

Feeling Festive
This was admittedly a bit early for Christmas photos, but that’s what’s was going on in our house with only 30 days until Christmas. This year Aggie was truly is determined to do everything.
Agnes: Okay Dave, I have an announcement to make.
Dave: What’s that.
Agnes: I am now officially a Christmas dog!
Dave: Good to know.
Agnes: Yup. Fully festive. This Christmas I will be right in the middle of everything.
Dave: And you think that’s a solid plan?
Agnes: It works for Bruno.
Dave: Following in Bruno’s plans is not always the best idea.
Agnes: I realize that. But, I really think he knows best with holidays. Being in the middle of everything is great!
Dave: And what exactly does everything involve?
Agnes: Decorating, eating cookies, eating turkey, stealing balls from the Christmas tree, napping in front of the fire, sleeping in when people are on holidays, teasing Bruno that Santa will bring him coal, telling Bruno that he can’t eat coal. You know, everything!
Dave: You do realize that in the time to take this photo Bruno has bumped into me repeatedly and even put his tongue in the middle of my ear.
Agnes: Okay, maybe I’ll be skipping the Feliz YummyDad.
Dave: You mean Feliz Navidad?
Agnes: Nope. I’m all in for Spanish Christmas too. Feliz YummyDad is what Bruno calls licking your ear. I think I’ll skip that. We’ll call skipping that my gift to you.

Christmas Balls
The Christmas theme continued with Aggie admiring the Christmas decorations on the tree in our front yard. Truth be told she was admiring the cream cheese on a butter knife being held above and to the right of the frame by my lovely wife who came up with the idea for this photo. But the story of her coveting the ball plays better than her wanting off-frame cream cheese.
Aggie: Hey Dave, what’s with the giant balls hanging in this tree?
Dave: It’s a Christmas decoration. Something to make the house look more festive.
Agnes: Oooh, I love Christmas. And do you know what I love even more than Christmas?
Dave: Balls?
Agnes: How did you know? They’re so amazing and round and fun. I do love balls.
Dave: I knew that.
Agnes: But I don’t think you’re aware of how much. They’re all great. I’m going to tell you some of my favorites.
Dave: I’m not sure we need the whole list again.
Agnes: And that’s where you’re wrong. Let me see – Chuck-it balls, tennis balls, hockey balls, snow balls, meat balls …
Dave: Snow balls and meat balls?
Agnes: Yes, both are delicious. And I now have a new favorite type of ball – Christmas balls! When can I play with it? It looks like so much fun.
Dave: Um, I hate to break it to you, but these balls are not for playing with.
Agnes: Ooooh, are they good to eat? Like meat balls? Or deep-fried risotto balls?
Dave: Nope, just for decoration.
Agnes: Oh. Well in that case, lets hit the kitchen for a meat ball and cheese ball snack.