Eva’s project – August

Eva’s project is now well over half way done.  August has been another good month here, although it did end a little colder than expected. Eva’s August saw both paddle boarding and ice cream, and no one could ever complain about that.

Under Broadway

Week 32 “under broadway” is just me hanging out with Eva under the Broadway Bridge in Saskatoon.

under broadway

Ice Cream

Week 33 “ice cream” was a shot that I had in mind for a while now.  Chardon Ice Cream is a lovely small ice cream shop by our house, which is only open on summer evenings.  My wife and I took the dogs for a walk and I explained my photo idea to the owners of the stand.  They were more than happy to participate in the photo, even providing a complimentary motivational ice cream cone for her to stare at.

A little dogversation to go with:

Eva: Hello? Hello?
Dave: Um Eva, who are you talking to?
Eva: The magic little building. I’d like to ask it for an ice cream.
Dave: Really?
Eva: Yup. And I’d like it to be chicken and bacon flavoured.
Dave: I’m not sure that will happen.
Eva: What? Is it the flavour selection? Because really I’m not that picky. I’d go with anything except that horrid blue bubbly gum thing. Dogs don’t do bubble gum well.
Dave: I think the problem is more to do with the fact that you’re a dog and you don’t carry any cash.
Eva: Dude, I always hear people saying to chase your dreams. And this dream of an ice cream shop didn’t even run away from me when I was chasing it. So I’m just going to sit here and look cute until the bacon chicken waffle cone arrives.  ice cream

Doggy Paddleboard

Week 34 “doggy paddle(board)” happened during a week at the lake.  Eva does love to go paddle boarding, canoeing, and kayaking with her humans.  I was actually on the board with her here holding the GoPro just above the water surface for this photo.  Love her proud pose here combined with the texture of the clouds and water.

Eva: Hey slowpoke, lets get moving! We have places to go and things to smell!
Dave: Eva, do you think it’s in your best interest to insult me and call me a slowpoke when I’m the one doing the paddling?
Eva: Really? That’s rude?
Dave: Moderately.
Eva: Ruder than stopping paddling and leaving me without an efficient method of propulsion?
Dave: You do raise a valid point.
Eva: Of course I do. Now get paddling! We’re not going to get anywhere or smell anything interesting with you lollygagging.

doggy paddle(board)


Week 35 “happy” was just Eva smiling and being super happy in the park.happy